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Why Is A Custom-Made Cloud Application The Best Decision For Your Business?

Why Is A Custom-Made Cloud Application The Best Decision For Your Business

More and more SMEs are turning to bespoke cloud application software developers to meet their requirements. What is it that custom cloud applications offer that is so beneficial?

The Benefits Of Customisation

An off-the-shelf cloud-based application is all well and good, but what most companies are after from their software solutions is something that fits closely with the way they work. By opting for a customised version of your software, it can be tailored to your individual commercial and security requirements.

Customisation is important for several practical reasons. At a strategic operational level, it is about aligning the correct cloud application with the best data and departments in order to offer complete control. Customisation also addresses the difficult problem of international security variances. Countries such as the US have different rules and regulations regarding cloud-based compliance. To keep in-line with global differences, private and public cloud customisations can offer an efficient all-round solution.

1. Cost Benefits

Some people consider that a standard app will be cheaper to deploy than a fully bespoke one. This is not always the case. Customised apps make use of cloud services such as Platform as a Service (PaaS) or Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). In the case of PaaS, update patches and hardware updates are all taken care of for you. In the case of IaaS, there is less expenditure required across the board, thanks to the virtual infrastructure. As the architecture is also designed for scalability, PaaS and IaaS make sound financial sense.

2. Data Loss Advantage

When you host your own software services on premise, rather than making use of cloud-based ones, data loss is likely to occur at some point. In turn, this will become a reliability issue that could put some people off using your application or services. This can lead to long-term damage to a brand’s reputation.

Cloud-based solutions have multiple points of redundancy, with copies of data in many server locations. This means that data losses are not an issue. In other words, users can experience greater reliability with custom made apps in the cloud at lower cost no matter where they happen to be in the world.

3. Speed Of Deployment

Because cloud-based services are now the backbone of international businesses, software developers are geared up to deploy the apps that make use of them. Therefore, any SME that is looking to rapidly deploy software services for its staff and clients should look to cloud-based solutions.

Find Out More

Because bespoke app development is cheaper than you might think, it might be time to consider the merits of such an approach for your business.

